Know About Nipah Virus
The virus does not just end one life. It has caused entire families to die. Such a new virus has emerged in the current time.
Nipah virus is a bat borne, zoonotic virus that causes nipah virus infection in humans and other animals a disease with a high mortality rate. Numerous disease outbreaks caused by nipah virus have occurred In north east Africa and southeast Asia.

Family - Paramyxoviridae
Scientific Name - Nipah Henipavirus
Phylum - Negarnaviricota
Nipah virus was recognized first time on 1999 during an outbreak among pig farmer's in Malaysia. no one outbreaks have been reported in Malaysia since 1999. It was recognized in Bangladesh in 2001 and nearly annual outbreaks have occurred in that country since. The disease has also been identified periodically in eastern India.

During the first recognized outbreaks in Malaysia which also affected singapore most Humans infection results from direct contact with sick pigs on their contaminated tissues. Transmission is though to have occurred via unprotected exposure to secretion from pigs or unprotected contact with the tissue of a sick animals. In subsequent outbreaks in Bangladesh and India. consumption of fruits or fruits products (such as : raw date palm juice) contaminated with urine or saliva from infected fruits bats was the most likely source of infection. There are currently no studies no viral peristance in bodily fluids or the environment including fruits Human to Human transmission of nipah virus has also been reported among family and care givers of infected patients. Treatment There are currently no drugs or vaccines specific of nipah virus infection through WHO has identified Nipah as a priority diseases for the WHO research and development blueprint. intestive supportive care is recommended to treat serve respiratory and neurological complications.
How Nipah virus affected the body ?
Nipah virus mainly attacks the lungs and brains. It may also lead respiratory issued such as cough and sore throat or even rapid breathing fever and gastrointestinal problem like nausea and vomiting.
What are the symptoms of nipah virus ?
- Intital symptoms of nipah virus included Fever |
- Headache |
- Breathing difficulty Cough and sore throat |
- Diarrhea |
- Vorniting
- ‘Muscle pain and serve weakness Symptoms typically begin within four to 14 days after exposure to the virus it's common on to have a fever or headache first to develop respiratory problems like cough and difficulty breathing later. In serve cases a person can develop brain infection (encephalitis) which is life threatening.
Other serve symptoms including:
Confusion and Disorientation
Slurring Speech | Seizures Coma | Respiratory Distress
Research aren't entirely sure why some people have serves symptoms and others have mild symptoms. Some people with
the virus have no symptoms of all
Is nipah virus airborne ?
Yes the virus spread though respiratiory droplets . This means it can spread though the air when person coughs or sneezes. Management and treatment
How is nipah virus treating ?
There are no antiviral medication to treat the virus. This means treatment consists of managing your symptoms this consists of:
- Drinking lots of water,
- Getting plenty of test,
- ‘Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen,
- Use medications to control nausea or vomiting,
- Use inhalers to improve breathing difficulty
Can | prevent nipah virus ?
Wash your hand frequently Avoid any contact with sick pigs or bats Clean and disinfectant pig farm animals with
the virus should go into quarantine right now Avoid trees or bushes where bats are known to rest or sleep.
Avoid eating or drinking things that may be contaminated such as palm sap fruit if you collect palm sap boil it first. Wash and peel all
fruits before consuming them Throw away any fruit with bat bites or fruits that's touched the ground Avoid contact with the saliva blood or other bodily fluids of a person with the virus Infection control measures can also help to prevent spread of nipah virus. For example if you caring a person that has a suspected of having nipah virus you should always use personal protective equipment (PPE)
Do people survive nipah virus ?
Yes people survive nipah virus but about 40%to 75%of people who get the infected die from it this rate varies depending on the countries abilities on the countries abilities to detect and manage the virus. symptoms can range from a mild fever and headache to brain infection or death Advice to you all always trust on your doctor's and medicine those help you help for recovery and avoid such things too things harmful for your life always try to give your body rest and doing few exercises in day so that if you fit or India fit if India fit so India developed. Thank you so much to given your precious time to read these article.
~Bhavika Singh